Judging from the point of view of logic, it may seem that there is only one way to save yourself from premature “wear” of the joints: spend more time in a sitting or lying position. However, in reality it is not. With a sedentary lifestyle, the structures of the musculoskeletal system will simply begin to atrophy, for example, as in astronauts under weightless conditions. Loads really need the body, but at the same time they should not be excessive.
When choosing sports activities, preference should be given to those types that do not strain the joints too much. Such types of physical exertion as swimming, skiing, Nordic walking, cycling are perfect. Running, jumping, playing sports and weightlifting are dangerous for the joints.
Walk right
It is established that the load on the joints depends on the pace of your movement. If you take the load on the joints while standing in place for one, then with measured walking it increases to 2–2.5, with fast walking – up to 4–4.5, with slow running – up to 5, and with fast running – up to 7–8 units.
It matters how you walk up the stairs. If you climb upward with the railing, the joints are unloaded. If you do not hold your hands, the load increases significantly. And even more, it increases when going down the stairs.
Choose the right shoes
If you still decide to run, take care to purchase high-quality sneakers with shock-absorbing soles. It will “quench” the shock wave that occurs whenever you take a step. Do not forget to change sneakers from time to time, as the sole wears out and eventually becomes less elastic.
Do not run on hard surfaces
The harder the surface on which you run, the greater the shock load on your knees, so do not run on asphalt or concrete. Plan your workouts and route along rubber tracks designed specifically for running, or over a wooden gym floor or grass.
Reduce body weight
The greater the weight of a person, the more heavily his joints are loaded, both during walking and running. From overweight you need to urgently get rid of. It is statistically proven that obesity is one of the main risk factors for the development of gonarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the knee joint) and coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint).
Avoid static loads
The joints will certainly “remind” of themselves if they squat for a long time or work in the garden when bent over: this leads to stagnation of blood, deterioration of microcirculation and disruption of the articular cartilage trophism. As a result, the “wear” of the joints is faster.
Wear heaviness in both arms
It is established that if in one hand to carry a load equal to 10% of body weight, then the load on the joints of the lower extremities increases by 22%. If you carry the same weight, distributing it to two hands, then the load on each joint will increase by only 9%.
Alternate the load with the rest
Joints should not work permanently. The optimal mode – 20 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest. This concerns the joints of both the upper and lower limbs. Resting preferably in a sitting or lying position. If you play sports, you can simply change the exercise and transfer the load to some parts of the body, giving rest to others.
Take Supplements
In pharmacies or sports nutrition stores you can find a lot of dietary supplements, which, with regular use, bring significant benefits to the joints. First of all, glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen (gelatin), calcium, vitamin D should be noted. We must not forget that self-treatment can cause irreparable harm to health, therefore, it is necessary to consult with an experienced qualified specialist before taking the medications.
Use orthopedic appliances
If the movements are already accompanied by pain, then you can use specialized devices that will reduce the load on the joints.
These simple, but important for the joints, rules will help to preserve the health of the legs and will delay the appearance of the first signs of diseases that restrict freedom of movement for a long time. If you experience pain, you should stop any physical activity and immediately consult a doctor.
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